Church Toasting: Brother A vs Brother B


Toasting in churches is as old as my grandmother or even older.  I said, my grandmother because that's how my grandparent's relationship started.  As much as I will like to keep myself in denial about some extra curriculum activities that happen in the church of which toasting is part..l will not keep quiet today.

I will say it hot hot!

Just as there are different techniques of toasting in the world, there are also different techniques, even spiced by the Holy Spirit in the church.

Today, I will be exposing two brothers:
Brother A and Brother B.

Brother A is the ' Songs of Solomon' kind of guy. Chai! This brother's mouth is overly sweet. Words do not fail him in describing how he feels towards the lady.

He says things like 'How beautiful and pleasant you are, O loved one, with all your delights!', 'You are altogether beautiful, my love, there is no flaw in you.', ' As a lily among brambles, so are you among all the women'  ' You are a  light carrier and you lighten people's heart whenever you usher them in', ' Whenever I hear you praying in tongues, I am awe', ' I feel the strong presence of the Holy Spirit when you lead praise and worship'.

Brother A is capable of making a lady's cheeks turn all colours of red from blushing and even capable of making her lips reach her ears from too much smiling.

He is spiritual oh, filled with the Holy  Spirit and he is wonderful. This brother can use the whole Bible to toast a lady. He is always wearing a suit. People call him pastor by just looking at his suit. This brother ehn...knows all the serious spiritual sisters in the church.

If those his sweet words have failed him, he can come up with lines like ' I saw you in a dream, you were cooking food for me, that means, the Lord is trying to say you are my wife', 'When you were praying, I saw my pictures in your hands, it was a short vision, I think the Lord is trying to tell I am your husband'.

Ordinarily because of his pastor's looking suit or the position he occupies in the church; the sister can't afford to him that he is a 'twelfth of never' dreamer especially if she doesn't like him or the Lord has not revealed it to her. She will simply tell him that she's still praying about his visions or dreams even after 1 year.

I hear this kind of brothers marriages (las, Las) are always on 🔥.  They are beautiful too. Gbo Gbo spirit-filled marriages.
Marriage with a vision from heaven or
inspiration from the Songs of Solomon.

Brother B doesn't have time for too many words. He toasts you with few words and more actions. He is the kind of guy that runs after you or sends you a text message after service. He says things like 'Can we just hang out at Dominoes pizza after Bible study?' , 'Do you mind if I pick you on my way to church so we can go to church together?' , ' La Campine Tropicana won't be a bad place for us to go through our Bible study notes', ' I got to this hat fo your Sunday'.

It's people who notice his actions that will be telling the lady that the brother is toasting her or t that the brother really likes her.
He is spiritual alright but he's a jaiye jaiye ( free) kind of Christain.  He's also dandy as well.

On second thought,  this brother requires extra studying. You have to be sure if he didn't just come from the blues. You have to be sure he isn' just attending church to see sisters to toast or marry as in the manner of some.

I hear marriages from this kind of toasting are always use of examples. It could be for a good example of a bad one.

Abeg, share your toasting Tori!
Which of the toasting will you recommend for our church brothers?
Are they over spiritualizing toasting any toasting you've been?
Brother A vs B...which do you prefer?


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