Sex and The Church: Let's break the silence

An important announcement you should all pay attention to!
SEX and the CHURCH

Why does the church not tell us many things as regards sex?

Why does it pretend that the teenagers and youths of this generation are not more sexually active than the old generation?

Why does it use cloak to cover itself over something that is very obvious?

Are singles Christians now without sexual organs?

1st Corinthians 8: 11 says
Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does sexual immorality is a sin against your own body.

Aren't our bodies a concern to You!
Won't you teach us to flee?

I am a born again Christian youth in your church that fell in love with a guy in the same church. It all started when from close fellowship together. He could quote long verses of the Bible without shaking. Oh, mine! This alone swept me off my feet. He asked out and I gladly accepted. We started to date. In dating, we started to kiss in our various hangouts. Then boom! One day we were alone together in the dark, our hands start to move, send strong currents to all our sexual organs. It was something we enjoyed but at the same time, detested. We wished to stop after the first time but we were too weak to.

A few months later, I got pregnant and was brought out in front of the whole congregation for condemnation. We have suspended afterwards. I knew that we were wrong. It's something that shouldn't be heard of us. I'm deeply sorry.

I know I have not so learnt.
But who will teach me?
The word through you
The world through me.

There are questions many youths and teenagers like I have for the church

What do I do when I get that body no be firewood' feelings?
What do I do when I get an erection from a lady and I really want to have sex with her?
What if I am young and inexperienced?
What if I am old and widely read?

I crave for you to be my teacher and not the award-winning producers of porn movies.

Please church, tell me more about this dreadful topic called sex.
Help me!!!
Organise programs, leave the stationary pulpit,kindly come down and mingle with us.
I will tell you things about sex you've never thought I've crossed my mind.

Open up to me and I will to you.

Church, because you're failing to teach us the name of the Lord is been blasphemed among unbelievers. Most times, they say
"Youths are having sex in church
Committing Abortions
Having children outside wedlocks
Married men having sex with other people

Sex and the church at two opposite ends but please stand up and teach us. Teach us to fight negative vices.

Why can't we ask one of our own? We are tired of asking the Internet and our friends some of our crazy questions.

I know there are many things for the church to talk or preach about such as salvation, Jesus Christ the only way, making heaven, baptism of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, tithing etc. But we are also aware that

1st Corinthians 6: 9-10
neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

I'm an heir, I may be a teenager, youth or a young child. Please still teach me. By the time I'm married, it may be too late for me to learn what I can learn now. Many marriages have broken because both couples have been corrupted from childhood.  l I want to inherit the kingdom of God.


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