INA SONKI
                             (Episode 4)
In death, there is the power to love and to hate.

Oh! The cost of service to one's country who pays for it, the Corper or the government?

'Màatáa! Màatáa! Màatáaaaa!!!'  Musa yelled at his wife.

He had never raised his voice on his wife until that moment. He has been talking. He has been calm. He has endured but no one seemed to be listening to him anymore.

Now, it's time to yell, time to repeat his words over and over again. Maybe this time, there could be a difference.
He was tired of his son Abubakar. He was tired of seeing him sad over a stranger. He was tired of watching him lose interest over his multimillion company he would one day leave for him to inherit. He was tired that a mere woman, not even a northern woman, got his son's head upside down.

He hated that lady. He wished he could find her and tell her off. He wished he could erase the memories of her from his head.

'What is in this Rachel girl that other girls don't have? ' He asked his wife angrily.

His wife tried to calm him but like wet hands on a naked wire, he barked at her.

'No! màatáa...' He shoved her hands from his shoulders.

'Haven't I tried?' He asked her.

'My husband, you have:'  His wife replied him calmly.

It triggered the anger in him. He held her palms slowly and began to narrate how he had anxiously anticipated for Abubakar to be a man. He narrated how he long he had waited that one day, Abubakar would marry one of  Alhaji Ibrahim beautiful daughters or Mallam Raji finest daughter, Latifah. Latifah was the finest young woman in their neighbourhood. Many fathers have been seeking her hand in marriage for their sons. Mallam Raji turned them all down. She was his only child. She's beautiful, intelligent and smart. At twenty-three, she already had her masters degree and was waiting for service.

Yet, he was optimistic that because of a close relationship with Mallam Raji and his great wealth, he would turn him down. Abubakar was his heir and he believed that he and Latifah would fit well as husband and wife.

Even if Alhaji Raji refused, there are many young girls from reputable homes he could pick from. He had his son's lives planned. They were aware of it.  Abubakar knew what awaited him after his three weeks in camp. Falling in love with a woman, especially a non-Muslim is a great abomination and disruption to all of his plans.

'That my son gets married early, take over my company, bear me grandchildren while I'm still alive, is it too much to ask for metal?' He asked his wife in frustration.

He finally took his seat. He sipped some water. He looked at his wife, expecting an answer to his question.

'No my husband' She replied calmly.

'But has he told you he wants to marry her?' She asked.

 It was her turn to ask him her questions. She has secretly been talking with Abubakar about his relationship with Rachel and his nonchalant attitude to work for some days. She didn't want to tell her husband about their discussions. He might come to a conclusion she's supporting him and it would result in him beating her.

'Did he tell you he asked her out? ' She asked him calmly.

He shot his red eyes almost at out of the sockets. She calmly moved some distance away from him. Such looks often resulted in thunderous slaps.  Still yet, she pressed further. She kneels down before her husband.

'They may be just friends' she said to him in whispers.

The truth was that they could more.

'They better be! ' he replied calmly.

He lifted her from her knees. He held her hands with love.

'Mata....please talk to your son. Let him sit up' he said and embraced her.

'He will listen to you' he whispered.

Their short moment of peace was roughly interrupted with loud screams from one of the rooms upstairs and in seconds they heard someone rushing down the stairs. It was Abubakar!

''Baba da mama!" He screamed

'What is it? " they both asked with fear.

'Baba da mama, see for yourself' he said panting.

He quickly looked for the remote control to the Tv and put it on. He immediately switched from Africa Magic Hausa to Channels Television, the best station in Nigeria when it came to reporting accurate and prompt news or event.

'Oh no!' They held themselves.
They were just seconds away from missing the recap of the breaking news.

'Oh no!' They exclaimed

And again,

'Oh no!'

And again

'Oh no!'

And again

'Oh no!'

Abubakar broke their moment of 'Oh no!' with another shocking news.

'I'm going to Rivers right now!' He announced

'Are you ok?' His father asked him.

' Rachael was involved in that accident baba' he announced.

'Oh no! ' His father exclaimed.
This time, he could totally relate with his son. The darkness and fears in his eyes spoke a lot. For his son's sake, he wished and prayed that Rachael survived the fatal accident even though the newscaster said all passengers, including 4 corpers were burnt to death.

For a moment and for the first time, he thought Rachael as his daughter. He imagined what her parents could be going through. He proposed to help even if Abubakar's eventually decided he was going to marry her. He just hoped and prayed too his help wasn't too late.

'Let me drive you son' He said.

'What changed baba!' His son and wife asked in unison.

He didn't answer. He hurriedly went in search of his car keys.
He stopped halfway and called his wife. He whispered something in the the the ear and left in search of his cars.

The story continues...
Last episode coming through soon.


  1. I must say, a very interesting piece of work. Looking forward to next episode.

  2. Thank you dear. The next episode is out already. I hope you enjoy reading it


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